
API for electronic invoice AFIP Argentina

The easiest API for electronic invoice AFIP Argentina. Try TusFacturasAPP, the most recommended SaaS in Argentina.

TusFacturasAPP offers an AFIP electronic invoicing API that allows you to issue electronic invoices quickly, easily and securely. With our API, you avoid dealing with AFIP webservices (afip ws) and you can integrate your platform with AFIP electronic billing, saving time and money.

What is AFIP Electronic Invoice API?

API is a service with functionalities that facilitates the connection between two applications for the exchange of information.
TusFacturasAPP API allows you to interact directly with AFIP's billing services to issue invoices, credit notes and debit notes from your platform or e-commerce, send them by email to your client or just download the PDF .
AFIP electronic invoice API from TusFacturasAPP was designed by devs, for devs. The API is simple and easy to implement with any programming language since the exchange between both platforms through a structure in JSON format.
We have 9 years of experience in the market and we have the support of a tax accountants that keeps us advised in the face of the new regulations that arise every day in Argentina, as well as Vousys®, the software developement company behind TusFacturasAPP.
Integrate securely with TusFacturasAPP.

API Reference I want to try the API

Easily integrate electronic invoicing into your software with the TusFacturasAPP API

Key Features:

  • ✅ Fast and secure connection with AFIP to issue valid electronic receipts
  • ✅ Process invoices, credit notes, receipts and more from your system
  • ✅ Detailed documentation and code examples for easy integration
  • ✅ Automatic email notifications of receipts sent to clients
  • ✅ Complies with all current tax regulations in Argentina

Start invoicing electronically in minutes with TusFacturasAPP API.

API Reference I want to try the API

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